Tuesday, December 8, 2009

December Sale

All my kits are on sale until December 31st for 25% off. So take advantage of this and stock up at Heritage Scrap.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Moonlight and Roses

I managed to get a new kit finished just in time for all the Black Friday and holiday sales that are going to be happening at Heritage Scrap. It's called Moonlight and Roses and is a black, white and gray kit - the colors moonlight turns all colors into. Scoot on over to Heritage Scrap and check out the sales. The entire store will be on sale all weekend!

Moonlight and Roses

Thursday, November 12, 2009

New Kit in Shop

I have a new kit at Heritage Scrap. It's a digital version of a Victorian photo album. Check it out - the work is done for you as it has 16 quick pages that can be resized for printing. All you need to do is add your photos to have a finished album!

Vintage Album

Thursday, October 22, 2009

M & J Trimmings

In addition to digital scrapbooking, I sew and sell dollclothes on EBay. Last week I was in New York City visiting my daughter and we made the necessary trip to M & J Trimmings in the garment district. For those of us that sew, M & J is a wonderland. The entire store is nothing but trims, laces, appliques, ribbons and buttons. I've been there 3 or 4 times now and still haven't seen everything. Spending a lot of money there is no problem at all, so I really have to restrain myself and choose wisely. However, it's difficult not to buy something just because it's beautiful!

Anyway, here are a few photos of the store. And here's the link to their online store: M & J Trimmings

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Never Give Up

This Kit - Never Give Up - is available at Heritage Scrap. I have been honored to be their Designer of the Month this month. Thank you!

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. However, I became acutely aware of breast cancer when I was diagnosed with it on July 31, 2001. Like so many other women, I thought it couldn’t happen to me. But it did. And it was bad. We didn’t catch it early.

I had not been very diligent about getting mammograms. I had had a bad experience with one and put them off as long as possible. But I found a lump and within two weeks it had grown and I knew I was in trouble. The look on the doctor’s face as she examined me confirmed my fears. I was sent straight to the surgeon’s office and 4 days later had a biopsy done. It was cancer.

My family was devastated. I was just in shock. It takes a while for it all to sink in. Was I going to die? I sure hoped not because, put simply, I just wasn’t finished with my life. So with the help of some very fine medical people I began my fight against Stage 3C breast cancer.

I had a mastectomy and came home the next day with a drainage tube attached to me. The tumor was large, my lymph nodes had cancer in them and it was also in the muscles of my chest wall. The prognosis wasn’t good. The oncologist and I decided to go with the nastiest of the nasty chemotherapy and radiation to battle the cancer. I had my first chemo at the end of August and was told my hair would probably fall out in about ten days.

The morning of September 11, 2001, my husband woke me up to tell me a plane had flown into one of the World Trade Center towers. I had watched the towers being built and found this hard to comprehend. How could a plane not miss something so big? I also found all the hair on my pillow a little hard to comprehend too. Why was it all falling out at once? They didn’t tell me that would happen. My hair was falling out in mass and the world had gone crazy. As I sat in front of the TV that day, I came to realize that at least I had a fighting chance to survive. The people in those planes, the Towers and the Pentagon weren’t given that chance. Suddenly my struggle was put into a different perspective. So what if I didn’t have any hair and only one breast. At least I was alive.

I made it through all the chemo and the radiation. Some days were just awful, but I made it. I did cry the day my eyelashes fell out. I had always had nice long, thick eyelashes and they were the last things to go. Because of that I had begun to think I might not lose them. Wrong! Did you know that your eyebrows keep most of the water out of your eyes in the shower? I didn’t either until I had none, eyebrows that is. I still had showers. Showers in which to view my disfigured body to remind me every day that I had breast cancer. That reminder never goes away. But 8 years later, it’s also a reminder that I have beaten the odds by still being alive. And believe me, I know how fortunate I am. My oncologist calls me his miracle patient.

My hair grew back and so did my eyelashes, though not as nice as they once were. But that kind of thing is not so important any more. I have become a spokeswoman for Breast Cancer Awareness – IT CAN HAPPEN TO ANY WOMAN! So please, for the sake of those who love you, check yourself regularly and get mammograms when your doctor says you should. I don’t know why I survived an advanced case of breast cancer and I live with the knowledge that it will probably return. But until that should happen, if and when it happens, I live one day at a time.

Every day is a gift, whether you’re a cancer survivor or not. We need to appreciate each day for what it offers us – a chance to enjoy life for what it is. Life is a constant change – some days are just wonderful, others not so good. But we must treasure each one and we must use them to their best advantage. We must also take time to appreciate the little pleasures that come with each day – the warmth of the sun, the smell of summer rain, the magic in a snowflake, the smile of a child or loved one. Take the time to tell people you care about them. You never know if you or they will be gone tomorrow. As the saying goes, take time to smell the flowers. God bless you all. And thank you for letting me tell my story.

This layout was done for a challenge last Octoober. It's still one of my favorite layouts I've ever done.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

New Kits

I have two new kits in the shop at Heritage Scrap.

The first one is Time Will Tell. It's full of time elements and some really pretty papers. Regulay price is $5.99, but it's on sale the first week for $4.49.

The next one is Sunflower Days for $3.99 regularly but on sale this week for $2.99. It's all about sunflowers. You probably guessed that.

So scoot on over and take a look at them and all the other great kits from the other designers.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Vintage Central Park is available!

Vintage Central Park is now available at Heritage Scrap. It is priced at $6.99, but is on sale for $5.24 this week only. So click your way right over there and pick it up.

While you're there, take a look at my other kits and all the fabulous things the other designers have in the shop. You won't be disappointed!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Vintage Central Park

For all of you that have been asking about Vintage Central Park - it will be available at Heritage Scrap in a week or two. Maybe sooner. So keep checking back. There will be word here when it's available. Also I want to thank everyone that has requested the kit - you do my soul good!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Creative Team Wanted!

If there's anyone out there that interested, I need two people for a creative team. This will be an easy position that requires only two layouts per kit I create. And I don't creative a lot of kits each month. Mostly only two or three. Take a look at my kits at Heritage Scrap and if you'd like to be part of my Creative Team, send me a link to your galleries. Send it to anniesdigis@ yahoo.com. I'll take a look and make a decision in the next week. I hope someone is interested - I'd love to see your work.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

4Shared Links working Again

Whatever the problem was with downloading Vintage Central park seems to have been resolved. I just tested them and they are all working, so get it while you can!

Monday, July 20, 2009

4Shared Trouble

I have tried everything I know how to do to make Vintage Central Park 4 and the final parts work at 4Shared. So far without success. I have a feeling that the problem lies at 4Shared itself. But I'll keep trying!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Fair Warning!

If any of you are still interested in downloading Vintage Central Park, please do so before 7/31/09. The links will be removed on that day. After 15,000 downloads, I think it's time to retire it. A special thank you goes out to all that left such wonderful comments!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Mad Hatter Freebie

Hi all, here I am, the lax blogger, shamelessly promoting my new kit at Heritage ScrapGo Ask Alice. You can buy this kit right now for $4.49. After the first week, it will be $5.99. I’m giving you this freebie of the Mad Hatter to temp you into buying the kit. This is actually a second version of him. He’s also in the kit, but I now think I like this one better! So now that I’ve been painfully honest about why you’re getting this freebie, here are the previews of the full kit. I hope you like it. The freebie is after the previews – yeah, you have to look at them first!!!

Go Ask Alice

Mad Hatter Freebie


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine Freebie

Well, did you think I was never going to blog again? Things just kept getting in the way, things like life in general and new adventures. We had a wonderful trip to New York for Christmas, then January flew by and here we are at Valentine’s Day.

One of the things that happened is that I am officially a digital designer now. My Vintage Central Park kit opened doors that I never imagined entering and I am in a whole new world. I can’t say enough thank yous for all the wonderful comments all of you left here and on 4Shared about that kit. It is absolutely incredible to me that there has been over 13, 000 downloads!! Your encouragement helped convince me that I could design digital kits. And since it’s something I enjoy, I’ve decided to jump in with both feet and see where it goes.

I am currently designing kits for Heritage Scrap only. Heritage scrapbooking has always been my first love in scrapbooking, both in paper and digital, so it’s a logical start. My plan is to create a freebie add-on for each kit that I make for sale. This way, those of you that can’t afford to purchase kits can have a little something to use. However, you will have to sign up at Heritage scrap to get the freebies that are related to kits I’ll be selling there. It’s not a big deal and there are other freebies there that you can probably use. Any freebie not relating to kits will be available here through 4Shared. Are you confused yet?

I do have some wonderful layouts to post that were done with the Central Park kit and I’ll get those up in the next day of two. But for now, here’s the preview of my kit for sale, followed by the freebie. Click on the titles to go to purchase or download.

Valentine Memories

Valentine Freebie