November was not a good month for me. It started out fine, but it went downhill quickly. Summer was over, fall was disappearing and winter was just around the corner. That alone is enough to depress me as my poor arthritic back and joints suffer greatly in the winter. Plus, I just really hate the short winter days.
So, that said, we progress to November 14th, a Friday – trash pick up day. We have 3 LARGE trash containers that I haul in from the street to behind the garage every Friday afternoon. I have 2 Labrador Retrievers who have a run and chase game they play with these large containers as I bring them in. Shelby, the youngest and largest of these dogs is 98% blind. However, she doesn’t think it’s a handicap and carries on as if she can see. Yes, she does sometimes run into things, but only if it’s out of it’s regular place.
We had finished putting the containers away and the run and chase game was over – at least I thought it was. The dogs decided to take one final run to the patio. Unfortunately, I was in Shelby’s right-of-way and she hit me at full speed from behind. I hit the sidewalk with equal momentum. OUCH! I knew I was hurt with possible broken bones as I lay there trying to get my wits together. Of course, both dogs, seeing me on the ground, came back to lick me to death since I wasn’t completely done it yet. I managed to get up and to a bench on the patio and took stock of the situation – yes, my right arm was probably broken – it wouldn’t move. The left arm didn’t feel too well either, especially the wrist and my knees hurt. Did I hit my head? I don’t think so, but I actually don’t remember hitting the ground/sidewalk.
I got in the house, called my husband to come home and take me to ER . Three hours later – yes, the radial head in my right elbow is broken clear through, but fortunately didn’t move out of place. Right arm was put in a splint from just under my armpit to my fingertips to keep it from moving. As if I was going to move it!!! Left arm and wrist were badly sprained and wrapped in an ace bandage. I was given good pain pills and sent home. Oh yeah, my knees were just bruised a little and sore.
Now, I have broken the radial head in my LEFT arm twice, yes twice, so I know the routine. It means a week or so with the arm immobile, then begins physical therapy so that the joint doesn’t freeze as it heals. However, that was the left arm both times before and I could still function fairly well. Now it’s the right arm AND the left wrist is sprained! Do you know how many things you can’t do with two injured arms???? Just think about that for a couple of minutes. Think about getting dressed, eating and the bathroom! Life was not good, my friends, not good at all. So, I cried. It didn’t help and I didn’t even feel better afterward, but what else was there left to do?
I tried to use the computer. That didn’t work. Have you ever tried to use the mouse with your left hand? When it’s sprained? I had been sewing, but that certainly was off the to-do list for a while.
Thankfully, we have a lot of books in our house, so I read a lot. I’m not much of a TV watcher.
I’m seeing the orthopedist every week for x-rays to make sure the broken-off bone doesn’t move and doing my arm exercises (which hurt, by the way) and I can finally use the computer again. I didn’t realize what a computer junkie I was until this little escapade. I also wasn’t allowed to drive for 2 weeks until I begged and pleaded to the doctor about it. That was torture. It wasn’t that I needed to go anywhere, it was just the idea that I couldn’t!
And life was improving until I broke my dental bridge this past Sunday night and swallowed the tooth that broke off!!!!! Now I have to walk around in the world with a missing FRONT tooth for 2 weeks until the new bridge is made and delivered to my dentist.
As Roseanne Rosannadanna said, “It’s always something!”
My next post today will have a freebie in it!